Contact Us
Contact Details
Kanes Hill Primary School
Fairfax Court
Hinkler Road
SO19 6FW
Any queries should be sent to the school's Office Team:
Telephone: 02380 463737
A member of our office team will be happy to deal with your enquiry:
Sandie Whitehead - Senior Admin Officer
Denise Jones - Admin Assistant
Suzanne Harnett - Admin Assistant
Head of School of Kanes Hill Primary School - Mrs Katie Smith
contact via the Office Team.
Chair of Academy Council - Keith Knowles
contact via the Office Team.
Chair of Trustees - Rob Shaw
contact via the Office Team.
Special Educational Needs co-ordinator - Karen Ralston
contact via the Office Team.
EYFS Leader - Charlotte Green
contact via the Office Team.
You can find a list of our policies in the 'Policies' section of this website.
If you require a paper copy of any information or policy, please contact the school office on 02380 463737 who will be more than happy to help.
Kanes Hill is part of the Inspire Learning Partnership
CEO: Claire Lowe
Contact Details:
Inspire Learning Partnership
Hampton Lane
SO45 1XA
Company Number: 09202445
Registered in England and Wales
Telephone: 023 8089 3132
Email Address: