To complement our academic curriculum we provide our children with a wide range of opportunities to nurture develop and stretch their talents and interests. These meaningful experiences encourage children to understand how to be responsible, respectful, active citizens who contribute positively to a diverse society.
Outside of class we are always encouraged to do more, and I was lucky to be part of the choir who sang to an audience at the Mayflower – it was so enjoyable!
Brooke, Year 4
This is achieved through the following:
- Anti-Bullying Week
- Charity Events - Comic Relief, Children in Need, Sport relief, support Food Bank City Mission, Macmillan, Cystic Fibrosis
- Religious Celebrations - Harvest Festival, Easter, Christmas, Diwali, NSPCC
- Annual days - World Book Day, Maths Day, National Poetry Day, Friendship Day, Online Safety, Remembrance Day, Black History
- Theme Weeks - Book Week, Arts Week, STEM, Healthy Body Healthy Mind
- Sporting Events - Sponsored Run, Run a mile, in house competitions, Bungee Run, Inflatable obstacle course, sports days, games days
- Inviting experts in to inspire all our learners - authors, actors, artists, musicians, sports people including promoting female sports, poets & other professionals
- Sporting competitions open to every child - in particular Pupil Premium children
- Musical Events - O2, Bournemouth Symphony, Big Band, singing at nursing homes, instrumentalist performances
- National Events - Queen’s Birthday, Royal Wedding, Election, Brexit,
- Global Events - Olympics, 100 Years World War 1, World Cup, VE Day
- Clubs - Football, girls football, netball, choir, dance, sign language, multi skills, gymnastics, book club, film club, board game club, homework club.
- Young Gentleman's Project