Kanes Hill Primary School

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Pupil Premium at Kanes Hill Primary School

What is Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium Grant is an allocation of additional funding provided to schools to support specific groups of children who are vulnerable to possible underachievement.

These include children who are (or have been at any point in the previous 6 years) entitled to free school meals, those looked after by the local authority and those children either adopted or placed under a special guardianship order.

All schools are required to report on the amount of funding received and how this is being used. The priority areas for spending are detailed in the below PDF link but these are by no means exhaustive, with funding also applied in supporting specific individuals requiring a bespoke plan. The details are accounted for within the Pupil Premium Financial Accounting System. 

 Schools are also required to report annually on the impact of their strategy.

pupil premium strategy statement 2024 2027 and impact statement 2023 2024.pdf




Our Principles:

In order to address educational disadvantage, Kanes Hill Primary School engage in the following:

  • We are a fully inclusive school. We have high expectations and high ambitions for every pupil, regardless of background
  • We adopt a community approach. All staff understand our strategy and their role within this
  • A culture and belief that all children can attain well
  • The importance of structures and systems - day in, day out, term in, term out
  • What can we influence? Raising educational disadvantage starts with belief. At Kanes Hill Primary School, we have a belief that all children can do better and we can raise their attainment from individual starting points
  • Our strategy is informed by evidence. Where is the expertise beyond our school? We utilise the very best research to adopt and adapt our classroom practices. We adopt an outward facing approach, working and collaborating with the very best e.g. Maths Mastery, English Hub, Marc Rowland
  • Educational disadvantage is a long term issue, therefore it warrants a long term approach. We will not have a list of lots of strategies and interventions; we will embed those that show impact over time
  • Early intervention - the earlier we intervene, the more the learner will enjoy, think and improve
  • Directly target those in need. Pupils who are deemed as needing support or struggling, get as much support and time with the teacher
  • Addressing educational disadvantage is not about 'catch up learning' with practitioners outside of the classroom, it is about high quality, tailored support in the classroom. We focus just as much on disadvantaged pupils who are performing well to do even better
  • Interventions will be well monitored, with adults having the training and resources needed. They will be brief, regular and maintained. Interventions will be closely timetabled with adequate spacing being considered. Learning from interventions will inform planning. Progress will be valued and celebrated. 
  • We recognise that an intervention is not enough on its own. For example, for the success of the Nuffield Early Language Intervention to be sustained, children need to be immersed in a 'tsunami of language and talk'
  • Each academic year, in Autumn, we will not rewrite our strategy, we will refine it. We will robustly evaluate our strategy based on the evidence and impact on outcomes - we will evaluate not prove. 
  • An ongoing relentless commitment to addressing educational disadvantage
  • Progress and attainment is not solely about data. At Kanes Hill Primary School we aim for every learner to leave our school with the dignity of being literate and numerate as a minimum
  • We strongly believe in parental empowerment. We see parents as partners and aim to work with our parent community for the educational benefit of our children
  • The role of our Academy Council in challenging our strategy and impact

Culture, Values, Expectations & Relationships:

 Culture and Values are fundamental to addressing educational disadvantage.

At Kanes Hill Primary school, we:

  • Understand the importance of relationships and a sense of belonging in the classroom
  • Believe high expectations and quality first teaching lead to progress of all learners, but particularly those in receipt of pupil premium and those just below this threshold
  • Place an emphasis on learning and teaching
  • Ensure access to highly trained staff by providing CPD and professional development for staff. We begun our engagement in MPTA (Maximising the Practice of Teaching Assistants) and MITA (Maximising the Impact of Teaching Assistants) training which looks at Teacher/TA partnerships, classroom organisation, school culture, metacognition
  • Ensure curriculum equity for all - all children to have access to our wider curriculum
  • Believe if we can get it right for those in receipt of disadvantage, we get it right for all
  • Scaffold up, not differentiate down
  • Are mindful of the language we use e.g. we do not use language of 'ability' as this can affect expectations and can lead to low confidence and self esteem
  • Ensure high levels of staff wellbeing, recruitment and retention 
  • Have a high quality pastoral provision, recognising the crucial role this plays
  • Acknowledge the addressing of educational disadvantage as a whole school approach- we recognise the roles of parents, behaviour, attendance, wellbeing and mental health

Assessment of Need:

Our Disadvantaged Strategy is pupil led, not label led.

Staff at Kanes Hill Primary:

  • Know the children in receipt of pupil premium funding within their classes
  • Know the needs of children within their classes, knowing that all children are different and have different needs
  • Track pupils and ensure they make good progress
  • Have a knowledge of our community and understand the important role parents play
  • Use assessment to capture baselines and progress, not assumptions
  • Intervene earlier when gaps are narrower
  • Respond to need
  • Analyse to discover trends
  • Have high quality relationships with children which aid the giving and receiving of feedback
  • Encourage vocabulary growth and development in all subjects
  • Ensure the learning environment and the talk within it is language rich
  • Ensure children are in receipt of multiple, meaningful interactions, not solely exposure to language 
  • Encourage metacognition and self regulated learning
  • Celebrate the engagement, contributions, hard work and thinking of children, as well as the answer
  • Ensure all academic interventions are based on assessment and evidence
  • Evaluate our strategies for impact

Peer Reviews

In order to evaluate our success in addressing educational disadvantage, Kanes Hill Primary School works closely with Marc Rowland, an adviser for improving outcomes for disadvantaged learners.

Alongside Marc Rowland, we engage in Peer Reviews with other schools in our Trust to further improve our strategies.

Please read our Peer Review Report here:


 MPTA and MITA Training

We have begun our engagement in MPTA (Maximising the Practice of Teaching Assistants - what teachers need to know) and MITA (Maximising the Impact of Teaching Assistants) training.

We look forward to sharing the impact with you soon. 

IRIS Connect

At the Inspire Learning Partnership, we encourage our staff to continually look for ways to raise teaching standards and consequently improve outcomes for our children. To support this, Blackfield Primary and Fawley Infant School, invested in IRIS Connect; a system trusted by thousands of educators and educational institutions throughout the world, to empower teachers to have more ownership of their professional development, grow in confidence and collaborate successfully with peers. Kanes Hill Primary have recently adopted this system.

Using IRIS Connect’s online platform and mobile video cameras, teachers have the opportunity to record, reflect on and develop their practice using tools designed to enable the most effective professional learning activities, as demonstrated by the latest research. It’s been reported that, as a result of videoing lessons, 94% of teachers said their teaching had improved and 88% said their confidence had risen.

Although video is a powerful tool for accelerating teaching and learning, we know it's vital that the children featured in a lesson recording are appropriately protected at all times. This is why IRIS Connect have built a system that’s rooted in data protection, privacy and safety and ensures outstanding security. Reassuringly, it is the only video professional learning platform with a protocol agreed between the ASCL and NASUWT teaching unions.

All video footage is kept on secure and trusted servers that never enter the public domain. The use of IRIS Connect is strictly for professional development and satisfies our strict policies on keeping young people safe. To find out more about IRIS Connect please visit their website https://www.irisconnect.com/uk/support/faqs/


Is my Child eligible for Pupil Premium?

Children in EYFS & Key Stage 1 (Years R, 1 & 2) receive Universal Free School Meals - all children in these years qualify for these.

However, your child will qualify for Free School Meals and Pupil Premium Funding if you receive any of the following:

  • Income Support
  • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)

Children who get paid these benefits directly, instead of through a parent or guardian, can also qualify for free school meals.

Children who qualify for free school meals will then continue to receive school lunches free of charge as they enter Key Stage 2 and will also receive the government funded vouchers currently offered in the school holidays. T
he amount of money a child will gain in school if they get awarded FSM totals £1385.

To check your eligibility please click the link below;


