Pupil Questions
How does school know if I need extra help?
Your teachers look at how you are making progress in your learning. They will know if you need extra help. They will talk to you about your learning too. They will also meet your class teacher from last year to find out what extra help you have been getting. Always ask for help in class if you need it.
What should I do if I think I need extra help?
You can talk to someone at home and they can talk to your teacher. You can also talk to your teacher, a Teaching Assistant (TA) or another familiar adult at school.
How will my work be organised so that I can cope and get it all done?
Your teacher will give you work that will allow you to learn and improve. They will make sure that it is not too easy and not too hard, but it will make you think. Teachers can use resources to help you organise your learning too.
If I have difficulties, how can I be involved in planning my learning?
Your teachers or our SENDCo, Miss Ralston, will have a meeting with you to discuss how you are getting on. This is called a pupil conference. You will talk about your targets for learning and how else you feel we could help you. You will have table top targets which will help you remember what your targets are.
Who will tell me what I can do to help myself and be more independent?
All the staff at Kanes Hill can help you to become independent, but if you feel worried then talk to your teacher or a familiar adult.
What should I do if I am worried about something?
Talk to your teacher, an ELSA or another familiar adult in the school. Remember, you can always write your worry and place it in our 'Worry Box' and an adult will find you to talk it through.