“Attention to spelling lists can be a starting point, but it will likely prove insufficient. With targeted teaching and structured practice, we can help pupils to better self-regulate their spelling when writing. For example, we can encourage the development of pupils’ own personal spelling inventory…and align spelling practice with explicit vocabulary instruction.
Spelling doesn’t prove so simple for many pupils, but teaching prominent spelling patterns, explicitly and consistently, will make a helpful difference.”
Alex Quigley (2022)
Our Spelling Approach
Writing is an integral part of our daily lives and it is essential that all children have the necessary spelling knowledge. As a school, we recognise the complexity of spelling and therefore ensure spelling patterns are taught through structured practice.
- Spelling is taught a minimum of three times week
- Each spelling lesson lasts a minimum of 20 minutes
- Spelling lessons follow the structure of Revisit, Teach, Practise, Apply
- Spelling lessons follow our school progression and milestones document
- Common Exception Words are taught alongside spelling patterns
- Staff have high expectations of the spellings the children are able to use and these are applied into writing
- Our spelling lessons encompass dictation and weekly spelling tests
- Termly assessments inform streamed, fluid groupings
- Staff have the knowledge and skills to teach writing with confidence
- Videos on our school website support our children and parent community
- Practice at home is encouraged as part of our Homework Policy
Our children will have the necessary skills and spelling knowledge to tackle society’s many writing challenges. From composing an email to applying for a job, our spelling programme will equip children with the skills they need to be successful in the future.
Parent Information
Spelling Resources
Here is an example of each of our spelling booklets. If you require a new one, please do let us know and we will provide you with one.