Kanes Hill Primary School

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School Uniform
Our school uniform promotes a sense of pride and belonging.   

Children need:

  • Blue/Grey/Black – trousers or skirts (no jeans or jogging bottoms)
  • White – shirt, blouse or polo shirts
  • Blue – jumper, cardigan or sweatshirt
  • Black – shoes or trainers

Jumpers, cardigans, book bags and P.E. bags (embossed with school logo) can be purchased either Brigade or My Clothing online.  Generic uniform can be purchased from shops or supermarkets.

All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the child’s name.

Jewellery is not allowed in school. Small stud earrings are accepted (but not on days when they are swimming) and if an item has to be worn for religious considerations it should be taped over for safety reasons during P.E.

All items and personal possessions including, watches and jewellery are the sole responsibility of the individual child. The school is not responsible for loss or damage of any items.

P.E. Kits
Physical Education is a compulsory part of the school curriculum.

In the interests of health and safety all children must change into P.E. Kit

  • House colour t-shirt - red, blue, green or yellow
  • Blue or Black - shorts, leggings or tracksuit trousers
  • Suitable - plimsolls or trainers.


Uniform is available to order online from:

Brigade Clothing Ltd



 Click here to access uniform online  

For further information, please see our Uniform Policy (DRAFT).
